Week 11 Reading: Eastern Stories and Legends: Part D

The Crow That Thought it Knew The Brahmadatta reigned as the king of the Benares. The Bodhisatta was the marsh cow. There was a famine in Kasi and no food could be spared. A crow took his lady crow to the woods. This crow saw that another person was able to gather fish, so he wanted to become his servant. Viraka agreed to this and gave him his leftovers which he then gave to his wife crow. He then chose to fish on his own. He was not a crow that was born to swim. Therefore when he tried to fish he drowned even though he was warned not to. His lady crow wept for him and returned to Benares. The Judas Tree The Brahmadatta and the king had four sons. They all wanted to see the Judas tree. The charioteer took them all, but not at the same time, rather he took them individually at different stages of the tree. They all reported back what they saw, but it was all different depending on when they went. They realized that they had not asked the charioteer what the tree was like at differen...