Week 8 Reading and Writing

My reading and writing have been good. On top of my other course work, it has been some work to get it completed, but it has still been a good experience. I am happy with the blog. I've never used it before so I didn't have any expectations prior to using the blog. The same goes for my project website. The writing has been good as well. I thought it might be tough to come up with stories, but it has been relatively easy to start my story and finish it. I consider my biggest accomplishment in the class to be completing the required readings. I read through the books and it did take some time, but I was able to complete it with all my additional work. My favorite reading has been the Ramayana. My reading notes help me immensely with my writing. It is super helpful to have it there with me to write my stories so I can remember the piece that I am trying to write about. My reading strategies are to go over comma splicing, thoroughly reading through my story, and splitting up my paragraphs to make my ideas more concise.

(Rama and Ravana: Wikimedia Commons)
I chose this photo because in the Ramayana this was the coolest battle scene. I really enjoyed the imagery that R.K. used in the story because it makes you seem like you are there in person.  

I don't think there is anything else that I have to comment on looking forward. I am getting what I need out of the class.


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