Reading Notes: Shedlock Eastern Stories and Legends: Part B

The Bull That Demanded Fair Treatment
The Bodisat became a bull. A Brahmin took care of him with great care. He requested that his strength is put to the test against other cattle. The bet was made and then they filled 100 wagons full of material. The Bodisat was offended that he was called a wretch and decided not to move. The Brahmin was suddenly overcome with grief. The Bodisat told him what he did wrong then encouraged him to bet again, he did, and then the Bodisat moved all of the carts. In all, the Bodisat acquired his vast wealth.

The Bull That Proved His Gratitude
The Bodisat returned to life again like a bull. He was given to an old woman and became known as "the old woman's Blackie." He was good-tempered and quiet. He wanted to work for hire because his mother was poor. A merchant needed some carts pulled, saw the Bodisat and asked if he wanted to do it. He wouldn't move until he was promised a reward. He did as he was asked and then was not given the correct wages, so he made the merchant pay him the right fees. He then gave it back to his mother.

The Horse that Held Out to the End
The Buddha came to life in the shape of a horse. He was made the Kings Destrier and was given excellent things. One of the seven kings wanted the kingdom for his own. The other kings attacked him by using a knight. The knight ended up taking the other kingdoms as well.

The Monkey That Saved the Herd
The Buddha was reborn as the king of the monkeys. They lived in the forest near the lake. An ogre lived there as well. The Buddha instructed that the monkeys not eat the fruit due to being infected unless they consulted him first. The ogre of the lake appeared and interrogated the monkey king. The monkey then used a long straw to safely drink from the lake without being caught by the ogre.

The Mallard that Asked for Too Much
The Buddha was reborn as a Brahmin. He married someone from the same caste, and she bore him three daughters. Then he was born again as a golden duck. The wife and girls saw him and asked him who he was. He explained that he was born again as the duck and was here so that they could live comfortably. The mother got greedy and wanted to pluck all of his feathers. Then the father flew away never to return because of what she had done.

The Merchant who Overcame All Obstacles
The Buddha was born into a merchants family. He traveled through the desert at night because it was too hot to move during the day. He brought the caravan safely across the desert because he could read the stars. Traveling back, they got lost and traveled in circles. They found a rock that had water underneath it, so they dug at it until they got water. They were able to go along their path and continue selling their products.

The Elephant That Was Honored in Old Age
The Buddha was the prime minister and served the king. There was an elephant that was very mighty and did many things for the king. She was rewarded for all of her accomplishments and duty. The elephant became old, and the king began to insult the elephant because of her old age. The elephant confronted the king for doing this. The Buddha then faced the king and rebuked him. The king finally came to his senses because of the Buddha's wisdom and the elephant was restored to her previous honor.

The Faithful Friend
A Bodisat became the minister of a Brahmadatta. A dog would go to the stable and eat the feed that the elephant would not. The dog and the elephant then became terrific friends. The owner of the stable ended up selling the dog, and the elephant ceased to eat after this. The Bodisat realized what was wrong with the elephant and told the king. The king proclaimed that the dog must be brought back. The dog returned to the stable and the elephant was very happy. The elephant then began to eat again, and the Bodisat was rewarded for his knowledge and wisdom.

Bibliography: Marie Shedlock, Eastern Stories and Legends, 1920

(Jataka Tales: Wikimedia Commons)


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