Week 14EC: Growth Mindset: How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut
How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut
The author suggests that when you are in a mindset of conformity or just "going through the motions," it becomes easy to not be creative. Instead, you should think new, capitalize on obstacles, look for intersections, and share what you know. The thinking new part seems self-evident and is something I already knew. I would like to learn more about looking for intersections because it is something I'm interested in and had no prior knowledge about it.
The author suggests that when you are in a mindset of conformity or just "going through the motions," it becomes easy to not be creative. Instead, you should think new, capitalize on obstacles, look for intersections, and share what you know. The thinking new part seems self-evident and is something I already knew. I would like to learn more about looking for intersections because it is something I'm interested in and had no prior knowledge about it.
(Creative: Pixabay)
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