Introduction to Casey Buller not Bueller

Hi, my name is Casey Buller. I am currently a fourth year and graduate this spring! My major is Chemical Biosciences with a minor in Religious Studies. My future plans consist of pursuing either a medical degree or a master's degree and then going on to pursue a medical degree. Currently, though, I am just trying to graduate like the rest of us. I've always enjoyed science and the knowledge it provides humans to explain the intricacies of this world. I have always been interested in religion and it is more of just a "for fun" thing for me to do so I am not constantly bombarded with science course; I have some variety in my life.
Outside of my studies I enjoy doing many different fun things. I go rock climbing three times a week, read books (other than my normal assigned texts), cook, and backpack/hiking. Currently, I am reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Prince of Medicine: Galen in the Roman Empire by Susan P. Mattern. They're really great books and anyone interested in classic literature might be interested in the former and anyone interested in early medical practices during the Roman Empire might be interested in the latter! I've been interested in cooking most of my life, but didn't really take it seriously until my second year of college. I first started with making pies and after being able to do that, I moved onto other foods. Currently, I am doing Italian cooking and thoroughly enjoy making fresh pasta whenever I have the time. It is definitely better than store bought pasta!
One last little tidbit about me is that I am an avid Star Wars fan. I've seen the whole Star Wars movie series more times than I'd like to admit. Darth Vader is my favorite character and the movies just do not give him the credit he deserves for the power he possesses. The books and comics do a much better job of that.
Lastly, I should mention my title for this blog. I added the Bueller name jokingly because my last name is somewhat of a similar spelling and many people mispronounce my last name when they call on me. It is quite hilarious to see it happen. In high school, when my name would be called over the intercom they would always pronounce it Bueller and made for some funny times.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me as I am sure I will get to know some of you a little bit through these blog posts!
(Darth Vader: Flickr)


  1. Hi Casey! I must ask how you find the time to do all that you do? I bet you have a wonderful energy, that keeps you going! I am impressed with your studies, science is actually a subject that I struggle with, and so I am always impressed with those who understand it. I see that you like making pasta, and I absolutely love homemade pasta. It is so hard to go back to dried pasta! What do you use to make your pasta? Do you have a machine? Ifso, what kind? Thanks for sharing your post, it was a great read!

  2. Hi Casey. I totally relate to wanting a break from STEM classes. I took an Intro to Religion class last semester as an elective and had a ball. I also enjoy hiking, too, though I haven't found much good hiking in Oklahoma. I'd love a recommendation if you know a good spot! Also, that book on medical practices during the Roman Empire sounds interesting. It's neat to see how some of their practices were effective, even if they did't quite understand why they worked.

  3. Hey Casey! That is really cool that you are majoring in chemical biosciences! I could not decide between that major and majoring in Biochemistry but in the end I stuck with biochemistry. I know how are are feeling about just wanting to graduate. That is awesome that you even make your own pasta! One of my favorite Italian dishes is chicken fettuccine Alfredo. I taught myself to make this but have not mastered the art of making the pasta myself. Maybe one day haha
    Also, Star Wars>> Star Strek, which I am sure you can agree with me with.

  4. Hey, Casey! I think your major sounds so cool and I'm sure it's very challenging. Plus, the minor in religious studies is likely very insightful for someone that values their own religion quite a bit or even for a curious agnostic. I don't generally do a lot of reading, but I also really enjoy cooking. I love that you are working with Italian food lately- it's personally my favorite kind of food and I'm actually planning a trip to Italy this summer! I also love Star Wars sooooo much and my favorite character was always Obi-Wan/Ben. The new movies are entertaining but it's hard to beat the originals!

  5. Hi, Casey!
    I'm so happy that you love cooking. Mind teaching me, lol? I am SO bad! This summer I was babysitting and I messed up Kraft Mac and Cheese. No one should be that bad. I wouldn't know where to start if I wanted to make a pie or fresh pasta. I'm going to Italy this summer, so hopefully I learn the latter! It seems like a great meal to treat myself with.

  6. Hi Casey!

    I cannot believe you go rock climbing three times a week! That's insane! Do you go to a specific place or to the gym facility on campus? I have always wanted to try rock climbing, but never actually took the time out of my schedule to try it. I love working out so I should definitely give it a try since it sounds incredible.

  7. Hi Casey!

    Hurrah for the second semester seniors! I too am going to graduate this spring, and I'm also going to medical school! I definitely can relate to needing some non-science courses to balance out all of the pre-med stuff, which is part of the reason why I waited until this semester to take my Non-western civilization class. Also, I think I'm going to take you up on your second book recommendation! It sounds really interesting!

  8. Hey Casey! Chemical biosciences sounds like a challenging but really interesting major. While I am Christian, I also agree with what you said about the importance of science and the way it helps us understand the world we live in. I have to say, I think it's really neat that you're into cooking. I just got into it this past semester; my roommate and I didn't get meal plans, so we've been learning how to cook ourselves. We're starting to branch out a little more in terms of the recipes we use, but we're still staying safe and sticking to basic ingredients for now, haha. What types of pies and pasta do you most like to make?

  9. Hi Casey, I enjoyed reading your introduction post! Best of luck on graduating and your future endeavors on getting to become a doctor. I have a couple of friends trying to become doctors and I see how difficult it is. It is almost like running a marathon trying to become a doctor, every mile you run there still seems to be another class you have to take. I like that you are a Star Wars fan as well. I would love to hear about what you think of the new movies and how you think Disney has been doing with them?

  10. Wow, this chemical biosciences and religious studies major combination is very cool, Casey! One of the things that is distinctive about India is that there is not quite the same tension between science and religion as you might see sometimes with Christianity... the huge and wide-ranging variety of religious practices in India means that there is just a lot more room to maneuver, and a lot more back-and-forth (in a good sense!) between the worlds of science and religion.
    And listen, you made me remember a book I read years ago: The Jedi in the Lotus: Star Wars and the Hindu Tradition by Steven Rosen. It was a fun read! I don't know if you'd be interested in reading something like that for class, but you can snag a Kindle copy of it if you want, and that would be very cool to use as extra credit reading or free reading during Weeks 12-15. It must be like 10 years since I've read it, so I don't remember a lot of details, but I do remember it was fun to read -- and as a Star Wars expert, you would probably enjoy it even more than I did! I'm more a Star Trek person than Star Wars ha ha... but anything in outer space intrigues me... and I'm thinking a Darth Vader / Ravana mash-up might be very illuminating!

  11. Hey Casey!

    I got to start off by saying, the empire did nothing wrong. Darth Vader is always looked at as "the bad guy" but I think his character is much more in depth than that. Say what you will about the prequels, but episode 3 still gives me goosebumps! Also, its super cool that you read so much in a time where everything is digital and fast paced, you got any recommendations for someone who enjoys fiction/historical fiction? I'm working my way through LOTR right now, but if you have any other suggestions just let me know! Congrats on being so close to graduation!

  12. Hey Casey! That's cool that your major is chemical biosciences but you are minoring in religious studies, I honestly didn't even know that was an option. Certainly sounds like a unique combination. You said you might pursue a master's then medical school, what master's would you pursue before medical school? Medical school sounds wicked hard to me, I don't think I could ever handle it.

  13. Hi Casey! Its really cool that your minoring in Religious Studies when your major is Chemical Bioscience. Most people chose I minor that is closely related to their major, so good for you for choosing something completely different! You mentioned that you rock climb three times a week. Is rock climbing something you casually do? Or do you compete in any competitions? I've only rock climbed once for an event with my sorority, I didn't realize how much of a workout rock climbing really is!

  14. Hi Casey! That’s so cool that you’re majoring in Chemical Biosciences and minoring in Religious Studies. Have you decided what you wanted to do after receiving your medical degree? Also, what made you start cooking seriously in the second year of college? When my mom was first diagnosed with diabetes, I started to learn how to cook because I wanted for her to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle.

  15. Hi Casey!
    I think that it is really neat that you are a religious studies minor because I am a religious studies major with a letters major as well. What religion are you focusing on?? My focus is both with Islam and Roman religion so I find your book choice interesting with regards to medicine. I also love to cook and actually plan on making homemade pasta sometime soon. I started cooking when I was about five or six and have steadily added different foods to my repertoire. Happy cooking and reading!

  16. Hi Casey,

    Chemical biosciences sound really cool, and paired with religious studies is definitely an interesting mix. Congratulations on graduating this semester. And good luck on continuing your education, pursuing a medical degree is no joke.

    It's really cool that you are a Star Wars fan, you know, I've never watched any of the movies. My friends keep trying to get me to watch them, but I just never had.

    Anyways, I look forward to reading some of your stories this semester.

  17. After reading one of your stories I could tell easily that you know a lot about the Star Wars universe. I've never exactly been super impressed by Star Wars, but then again, it's been a while since I've seen all the films so it may be time to give them a second chance. I really want to get more into cooking, eating out does get expensive and home cooked food always tastes better and if not, it's definitely more satisfying.

  18. Hi Casey!

    Congrats on making it to your fourth year! I am sure you are super excited to be almost done with your undergraduate degree. And that is super awesome that you are into cooking! I have a lot of friends that like to cook, but I have always been to lazy to start learning. I always say I am going to start cooking more at home, but then here I am constantly eating out and making what I know how to make - ramen hahahaha

  19. Wow I have never even considered making homemade noodles, that's impressive! I've been cooking for a while but I only started baking/working with dough very recently so I'm not very good at it, but I'm hoping to get better. Also Crime and Punishment is on my list of books! I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov right now. It's good, but it's VERY long and I don't have a whole lot of free time to read. Anyways I look forward to reading more from you!

  20. I'm also graduating in like five weeks, good luck to you! I was not aware that OU offered a religious minor but it doesn't surprise me. I think the most exposure I've had to religion has been in my history classes, but I like it that way. I like how I see your fascination with Star Wars coming to play in your stories.

  21. Hey Casey,
    I love that you don’t mind that people mispronounce your name and you make a joke out of it. It is also pretty funny that your get called Bueller, I guess there is worse things to be called, have you ever seen the movie? I am also a science major graduating in a few weeks! So good luck in grad school and congrats we have almost made it!


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