
Week 14EC: Learning by HEART: Attention

Daydreaming This article talks about how daydreaming can be a good thing. Based off a recent study, daydreaming suggests that you might be really smart and creative. They suggest that people with efficient brains naturally wander to think of new things. As long as you can go in and out of situations while still hitting the main points then daydreaming can be a great thing, they suggest. I already knew that daydreaming can mean that you are creative, but I'm interested in learning more about why our brains daydream. Based on this article, it is possible that they daydream because they are efficient brains and need to wander in order to think properly. (daydream: Science Daily)

Week 14EC: Growth Mindset: How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut

How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut The author suggests that when you are in a mindset of conformity or just "going through the motions," it becomes easy to not be creative. Instead, you should think new, capitalize on obstacles, look for intersections, and share what you know. The thinking new part seems self-evident and is something I already knew. I would like to learn more about looking for intersections because it is something I'm interested in and had no prior knowledge about it. (Creative: Pixabay )

Week 14EC: Tech Tip: Memegenerator

GOT comes out this Sunday the 14th and I'm super excited for it. Here is a meme to commemorate that! I used Meme Generator to create this meme. (Study vs Don't Study: Meme Generator )

Week 14: Story Laboratory: Writers Write

Is Game of Thrones Worth Your Time? This article is interesting because it discusses the appropriate length of what a story should be. It seems totally subjective to what the length of a story should be and the author complains that the TV show is worth watching more than reading the book. I am a big fan of both the books and movie. I think both serve their own purpose, but to simply say that the books shouldn't be read because they are too redundant or long seems silly. To subject books to be smaller based off of a fast-paced society gets away from the purpose of reading and what it truly means. At the end of the day, as long as the author can tell a good story and convey their message and have fans that are willing to read it, then it serves its purpose. You're meant to get caught up in reading. Don't expect it to go along with your fast-paced life. Make time for reading. (Books: Wikipedia )

Week 13EC: Wikipedia Trails

Rama In this Wikipedia page, I discovered that Rama's life story is full of symbolism. In many Indian texts, his purpose is to represent, conceptualize, and comprehend the world and the nature of life. His story differs from western religious epics in that he is a divine human, a mortal god, incorporating both into the exemplar who transcends both humans and gods. Rama Navami This is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of lord Rama. This is important because Rama is important to the Vaishnavism tradition of Hinduism as the seventh avatar of Vishnu. The festival celebrates the descent of god Vishnu as Rama avatar, through his birth to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya in Ayodhya. Dasharatha He is the descendant of the Raghuvanshalkshvaku-Suryavansha dynasty and the Maharaja of Ayodhya. He is the son of Aja and Indumati. He had three wives Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. With his wife Sumitra, they had Rama the 7 incarnations of Vishnu. Sumitra She is the third w...

Week 13EC: Learning by HEART: 6 Yoga Exercises to do at Your Desk

The article talks about 6 yoga poses you can do at your desk and they are not embarrassing to do. I thought this was really cool because I enjoy doing yoga and stretching is important while your studying and sitting for long periods of time. They include shoulder rolls, open chest stretch, neck stretch, chair twist, reverse prayer pose, and twisted arms. (Stretching: Harvard Business Review ) 

Week 13EC: Growth Mindset: A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth

A Growth Mindset Fuels Creativity in Youth The author expands upon Carol Dweck's growth mindset. There are five ways that the growth mindset can be expanded upon in someone who is learning how to be in a growth mindset. This includes seeing connections, being open to new ideas, bowing to your mistakes, embracing diversity, and to live in a human-virtual world. This confirmed my knowledge of being open to new ideas. I would be interested in learning more about living in a human virtual world. I had no previous knowledge about embracing your mistakes and bowing to them.  (Books: Wikipedia )